Our 2020
Year in Review

Happy New Year from the Minneapolis Foundation!
We share our 2020 Year in Review with a great deal of pride, but also a note of caution:
Pride, because 2020 may well be one of the most extraordinary years in the Foundation’s 105-year history.
Caution, because we are keenly aware that it can be difficult to revisit a year of so much pain and loss.
But as you read the 2020 Year in Review, we hope you see that it was those most difficult times that illustrate why the Foundation’s role is so necessary. Our new strategic framework calls for us to get even closer to the challenges in the community; to listen more deeply to those on the front lines; and to partner in new ways with others who will join in disrupting inequities that have existed for far too long.
No matter what 2021 brings us, expect the Minneapolis Foundation to be there when the community needs us, and to ask you to join us as we explore new solutions to challenges that face us, including work you will be hearing more about on criminal justice reform, education inequities, and climate justice.
Happy New Year, and now it’s time to get back to work!