There have been three phases of Main Street grants. Our initial grant round supported projects on Lake Street, 38th and Chicago, and W. Broadway Ave. Our Fall 2022 grant round served Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, and additional areas of Minneapolis (Lowry Ave., Penn Ave., E. Franklin Ave., and Cedar-Riverside). Our Summer 2023 grant round focused on an expanded area of North Minneapolis.
Main Street Economic Revitalization

In partnership with LISC Twin Cities, Propel Nonprofits, and the Metropolitan Economic Development Association (Meda), the Minneapolis Foundation is administering grants for projects in Minneapolis and nearby suburbs that were hit hard by COVID-19 and the destruction following the murder of George Floyd.
The Details
These grants are made possible by funding from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) through its Main Street Economic Revitalization Program. In total, $29.5 million will be distributed.
Grants will be recommended for consideration through a community-centered process, with significant guidance from local stakeholder tables assembled to represent each of the business corridors.
We are administering grants for projects in key business corridors located in Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center, and Brooklyn Park.
Our latest grant round closed on August 23, 2023. All grant funding will be committed by December 31, 2024. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2026.

Frequently Asked Questions
We are working with our community partners and community tables to provide assistance with translation. If you need help, email Jo-Anne Stately at
If your project is located within a few blocks of one of these business corridors, you are probably eligible for funding. If you haven’t already, please email Jo-Anne Stately at to discuss your proposal with her.
No, your corporate business does not have to be located in Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center, or Brooklyn Park. However, the project for which you are requesting grant funds must be located in one of the six corridors served in this grant round.
An initial round of Main Street grants administered by the Minneapolis Foundation focused on projects in Minneapolis along Lake Street, 38th Street, and West Broadway Avenue. That grant round has closed.
Our second round of Main Street grants focuses on six new corridors that include a larger area of North Minneapolis around Lowry and Penn avenues, East Franklin Avenue, the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, Brooklyn Center, and Brooklyn Park.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is overseeing funding for projects statewide through its Main Street Economic Revitalization Program. Visit this website to learn more about other partner organizations that are distributing Main Street grants in St. Paul and other communities throughout Minnesota.
Not as such. Applicants must apply as a type of business or nonprofit that meets the criteria for a grant through the Main Street Economic Revitalization program.
No. However, all applicants must have a Tax ID Number (TIN) and be current on their taxes.
Tenants may apply for Main Street grants. However, priority will be given to applicants who own the property in question and have the ability to create jobs and build generational wealth. All applicants must demonstrate site control of the property in question, whether that’s through ownership, a purchase agreement, or approval from a landlord.
Yes. However, we encourage collaboration and would likely ask whether it makes more sense for the landlord to seek funding for property improvements.
Yes, as long as you disclose the conflict of interest and recuse yourself from decision-making about your proposal.
New businesses and businesses that did not exist prior to March 2020 are eligible as long as they meet all other program requirements.
Yes. The proposal should identify a lead applicant that will also be the fiscal agent for the grant.
No. Based on the amount of funds available to grant, we want to make this opportunity available to as many people as possible.
Interest in this program is very high. Before contacting our staff, please read the guidelines and download the application preview. If you still have questions or concerns after doing so, email Jo-Anne Stately at, and she will follow up with you as needed.
No. All projects must be completed by the end of 2026.
You can apply for a grant without all matching funds in place. However, a project that has some other funding commitments is more likely to receive a Main Street grant, and commitments for all matching funds as well as all required development approvals must be secured before the grant will be distributed. All matching funds for the grant round opening in the Fall of 2022 must be secured by December 15, 2023.
The timing of grant payments will vary by project. No grant payments will be released before a project has met its matching fund requirement.
No. Only funds used for eligible capital costs can be considered matching contributions.
No. Main Street funds cannot be used to reimburse for previously completed work or expenditures.
Yes. Up to 50% of matching funds could have been expended between July 1, 2021 and the award date. All expenses must have been incurred after March 2020 in order to count toward the match requirement. You will be asked to provide documentation of funding sources and amounts.
No. As long as the match requirement is met by May 15, 2023 (for projects in our initial grant round) or by December 15, 2023 (for projects in the second grant round), we have no requirements on when matching funds were secured. However, there are requirements around when matching funds are expended (see above).
No. However, those costs can be considered part of the matching contribution to a Main Street grant.
Yes. Predevelopment, or pre-design and design costs, are acceptable uses of Main Street funding. These include third-party costs such as architectural, engineering, or legal fees, development consultants, market studies, surveys, appraisals, and environmental reports.
Projects focusing primarily on security upgrades will not be prioritized for funding. However, security upgrades are allowable as part of an overall project budget.
No. However, you could apply for funding for a new phase of your project.
We expect to have a close working relationship with grant recipients through successful completion of every project.
At a minimum, we will schedule check-ins on construction progress or delays and the status of matching funds. Grant recipients must also demonstrate that prevailing wage requirements are met and report on the average wages, number of part-time and full-time jobs created or preserved, and Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) involved in the project. They will also be asked to provide a breakdown of the types of property supported by the grant (e.g., commercial, housing, mixed use).
Yes. Visit their website for more information.
This Work
Businesses and members of the public can support Main Street recovery efforts through the Main Street Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation.