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Climate Action and Racial Equity Fund

Advancing climate justice locally
Tamales y Bicicletas grantee

This fund supports local action on climate change in diverse Minneapolis communities.


Offering grants for place-based, community-driven initiatives, projects, and organizations, this fund strives for a demonstrable reduction in local greenhouse gas emissions. How it works:

Align Goals

This fund aligns with the Minneapolis Climate Action Plan, and furthers the goals of the Minneapolis Strategic Racial Equity Plan.

Local Partnerships

This fund is a partnership between the City of Minneapolis, the Minneapolis Foundation, and the McKnight Foundation to drive hyper-local work.

Meaningful Change

Grantees engage local residents and organizations to increase their sense of ownership of climate solutions and strengthen social connections among individuals and networks.

Steps to apply

Step One

First, read through all of the grant requirements to see if you qualify. Eligible applicants are nonprofts 501 (c)(3), schools, churches, neighborhood organizations, business associations, or charitable/grassroots organizations with a fiscal agent.

Step Two

Confirm your organization or project is working at the intersection of climate action and racial equity. Review the Minneapolis Climate Action Plan and the City of Minneapolis’s Strategic Racial Equity Action Plan for more details.

Step Three

Apply through the Minneapolis Foundation’s GranteeView system.

The Latest


Climate Action and Racial Equity Grants Awarded to 9 Local Groups

The Minneapolis Climate Action and Racial Equity Fund today announced $300,000 in grants to nine local organizations doing innovative work on climate change.

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2024 Climate Action and Racial Equity Grants

We are pleased to announce that the Minneapolis Climate Action and Racial Equity Fund is now accepting applications for its next round of grants.

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Climate Action Grants Awarded to 13 Local Groups

The Minneapolis Climate Action and Racial Equity Fund awarded $310,000 in grants to 13 local organizations that are doing innovative work to take action on climate change.

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