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2024 Year
In Review

2024 Year in Review

From Grantmaker to Changemaker

Something incredible happened last year. Again.

The Minneapolis Foundation and the fundholders who are part of our generous community distributed nearly $114 million in charitable gifts. This marks the fourth consecutive year we’ve made more than $100 million in grants, and we appear to be heading toward a fifth.

We celebrate this while knowing our community’s needs are even greater. It’s not enough to raise a glass when we’ve made a list of all the grants we give in a year. In this report, you will see how we continue to move from grantmaker to changemaker by supplementing our grants with advocacy, research, convenings, impact investing, and partnerships.

Read More from our CEO, R.T. Rybak

Deepening Our Impact Together

Our partnerships with generous individuals, families, and businesses are at the heart of our work. We provide resources and support to help our fundholders bring their philanthropic goals to life—in Minnesota and around the world. 


Explore how they're driving positive change: 

The Gulbrandsons
“One of our core values is supporting the community that supports us. ”
–Chris Gulbrandson, President, Apple Autos

Chris and Kelly Gulbrandson partner with the Minneapolis Foundation on charitable giving through their business. Here’s how Apple Autos amplifies the work of local nonprofits, fosters employee satisfaction, and honors the memory of a beloved sister and daughter.
Read their story
Giving Voice choir
“I love what Giving Voice does. I’ve been involved now for almost 10 years.”
–Carole Lee Randall, Fundholder

Carole Lee Randall and Hilary Smedsrud are fervent supporters of Giving Voice, an organization of choruses for people with Alzheimer’s and their care partners. In addition to making grants to Giving Voice, these friends sing in one of the choruses and are nurturing a new chapter they started in Arizona.
Watch their story
“It frees us up to do what we want to do—which is produce the honey, produce the syrup, sell it, take those funds, and make grants.”
–Mark Poppendeck, Fundholder

Two of our fundholder families cooked up a sweet recipe for homemade giving: A Donor Advised Fund fueled by the honey and maple syrup they sell. The Poppendecks and the Sandersons use the Beez ’n Treez Charitable Fund to support rural communities.
Watch their story
Small group chatting at Fourth Generation kick-off event
“You have the power to change the world, and Fourth Generation is one of those places where you can do that.”
–Michael Giovanis, Giving Circle Member

Fourth Generation is a hands-on experience in philanthropy for rising leaders who care about local issues and want to make a bigger impact than they could alone.
Watch their video
Headshot of Bink Semmer
“We know that we did our very best, and that we have served our community—locally, regionally, and internationally.”
– Bink Semmer, Longtime Member, Mizpah United Church

When a Hopkins church closed its doors, the congregation turned to the Minneapolis Foundation for support as it distributed the church’s assets to charitable causes—and created a lasting legacy.
Watch their story
Jeremie Nivonkuru Jr.
“Our community needs help, and we are the ones who know the help that it needs.”
–Jeremie Niyonkuru Jr., Youth Grant Reviewer

Northside Funders Group is a funder collaborative housed at the Minneapolis Foundation. See how they’re centering youth voice to make grant decisions.
Watch their story
Liz Hawn
“I remember looking at him doing his homework and thinking, ‘I could never do that.’”
–Liz Hawn, Fundholder

As a child, Liz Hawn’s brother struggled heroically to overcome dyslexia. Ever since, Liz has been interested in helping children learn to read. Today, she and her husband, Van, bring that passion to life through their Donor Advised Fund.
Read their story

Getting Closer to Communities

In 2024, we created a host of opportunities for our fundholders to connect and learn from organizations and people who are witnessing, experiencing, and solving our society’s biggest challenges. Through our convenings and other engagement opportunities, we aim to amplify community voices, uplift new perspectives, and shine a light on pathways to transformative change.

Last year, we offered a closer look at a wide range of issues, including literacy, medical research, food access, and the future of downtown Minneapolis. Events included (to name a few!) a pop-up giving circle focused on homelessness, a guided tour of the Everglades, intimate gatherings for families with common interests, and our newly relaunched Minnesota Meeting.

View our 2024 events playlist
2024 Engagement Numbers
Events and convenings hosted
Fundholders and community leaders attended
Local and national leaders featured as topic experts
Percent of guests reported making a new connection
Responding to Local Needs

We work to respond nimbly to local needs as they arise in our community. In addition to our annual grant rounds and the guidance we provide to support our fundholders’ giving, those values come to life in special investments we make to address urgent and emerging issues—from affordable housing to voter engagement and disaster relief.

Read more

2023-2024 Fiscal Year Numbers


Charitable funds administered


Grants distributed totaling $114 million


Organizations and people supported


Of giving went to Minnesota-based organizations

Minneapolis Foundation board members listening to a presentation at a school
Thank You

We are profoundly grateful to the fundholders, grant partners, and other changemakers who are part of our generous community. Your partnership is what makes our work possible.

We look forward to sharing updates in 2025 as we continue to pursue our mission of realizing strong, vibrant communities.